As an administrator, create andconduct a survey across allinstitutions in your education system.
OpenEMIS Survey facilitates the collection of field data at the school level through a user-friendlymobile app. Multiple customized survey templates can be download to the OpenEMIS Survey App.The OpenEMIS Survey app can then be used offline to conduct surveys via mobile or tablet and,once completed, the files can be uploaded back to the server for analysis and reporting.
As an administrator, create and conduct a survey across all institutions in your education system.Click on icon to download
OpenEMIS Survey facilitates the collection of field data at the school level through a user-friendly mobile app. Multiple customized survey templates can be download to the OpenEMIS Survey App. The OpenEMIS Survey app can then be used offline to conduct surveys via mobile or tablet and, once completed, the files can be uploaded back to the server for analysis and reporting.