

Monitoring National

Education Strategic Plans

OpenEMIS applies results-based monitoring

methodology to track key performance

indicators of the national plan.


Early Childhood


Preschool is critical to prepare children

to enter and success in formal schooling


OpenEMIS can generate

SDG4 indicators.

Inclusive Education

OpenEMIS helps monitor the education of children

with and without disabilities, participating and

learning together in the same classes.

Gender Equity

Equity in education ensures the best

opportunities for all children. OpenEMIS

monitors gender equity.

Education in


OpenEMIS helps track children at

school in conflict zones


Out-of-School Children

The OpenEMIS OOSC monitoring framework

implements eight steps to fully utilize education

data to promote full education participation.

Predictive Analytics

OpenEMIS uses predictive models to

exploit patterns found in historical and

transactional EMIS data that identify risks

and opportunities.

School Feeding


OpenEMIS tracks feeding programmes which

benefit vulnerable children, thereby increasing

enrollment rates, reducing absenteeism.


WASH in Schools

OpenEMIS tracks schools for

water, sanitation, and hygiene.


Technical and Vocational

Education and Training

OpenEMIS helps citizens discover and attain

the vocational training needed to succeed in

today’s globalized labour market.


Monitoring National Education Strategic Plans

OpenEMIS applies results-based monitoring methodology to track key performance indicators of the national plan.


Early Childhood Education

Preschool is critical to prepare children to enter and success in formal schooling


Early Grade Reading Assessment

Use OpenEMIS EGRA for oral assessment of literacy skills in early grades.

Inclusive Education

OpenEMIS helps monitor the education of children with and without disabilities, participating and learning together in the same classes.

Gender Equity

Equity in education ensures the best opportunities for all children. OpenEMIS monitors gender equity.

Education in Emergencies

OpenEMIS helps track children at school in conflict zones


Out-of-School Children

The OpenEMIS OOSC monitoring framework implements eight steps to fully utilize education data to promote full education participation.

Predictive Analytics

OpenEMIS uses predictive models to exploit patterns found in historical and transactional EMIS data that identify risks and opportunities.


Track textbook delivery

OpenEMIS tracks uses barcode scanning and SMS messages to inform schools and parents about textbook shipments.

School Feeding Programmes

OpenEMIS tracks feeding programmes which benefit vulnerable children, thereby increasing enrollment rates, reducing absenteeism.


WASH in Schools

OpenEMIS tracks schools for water, sanitation, and hygiene.


Technical and Vocational Education and Training

OpenEMIS helps citizens discover and attain the vocational training needed to succeed in today’s globalized labour market.