OpenEMIS provides governmentsreliable education datato monitor and track progressagainst priorities and SDG4.
As an open-source solution, OpenEMIS ismade freely available. There are no licensingfees or software costs.Support is available to build national capacityand ownership, ensuring a long-term, cost-effective solution for all levels.
OpenEMIS development is informed andguided through a global community ofusers. Innovations and enhancements areshared ensuring that each member hasopportunity to contribute to and benefitfrom the community.
OpenEMIS software is available to eachcommunity member. This provides assurancethat the system is owned locally and can besupported locally and globally.OpenEMIS is designed to be configured ratherthan coded by the community. This means thatall aspects of the system can be set to meet localrequirements for data collection, work flows,monitoring and data dissemination.